Beep Codes and Error Messages 3-7
Bad command or
file name
Command entered
does not exist, is faulty,
or is not in pathname
Faulty command and syn-
tax, or incorrect filename.
Bad error-
correction code
(ECC) on disk
Diskette drive or hard-
disk drive controller
detected an uncorrect-
able read error.
Faulty diskette/tape drive
subsystem or hard-disk
drive subsystem (defec-
tive system board).
Boot: Couldn’t
find NTLDR
A nonbootable diskette
formatted with Win-
dows NT was detected
in the diskette drive.
A nonbootable diskette is
preventing the system
from booting. Remove
the diskette to boot the
system from the hard-
disk drive or from a
bootable diskette.
Controller has
Hard-disk drive or
associated controller is
Faulty hard-disk drive
subsystem or defective
system board.
Data error System received un-
recoverable data-read
error from diskette or
hard-disk drive.
Faulty diskette, diskette
drive, or hard-disk drive.
Read/write failure
during POST prevents
system from using avail-
able memory.
One or more DIMMs are
faulty or improperly
Diskette drive 0
seek failure
Diskette drive 1
seek failure
Diskette/tape drive con-
troller could not locate
specific sector or track.
Faulty or improperly
inserted diskette,
incorrect settings in Sys-
tem Setup program,
loose diskette/tape drive
interface cable, or loose
power cable.
Diskette read
Failure occurred while
system attempted to
read diskette.
Faulty diskette, faulty or
improperly connected
diskette/tape drive inter-
face cable, or loose
power cable.
Diskette sub-
system reset
System could not suc-
cessfully issue reset
command to diskette
Faulty diskette/tape drive
controller (defective sys-
tem board).
Diskette write
Diskette write-protect
feature was activated.
Diskette is write-