Sample Scripts and BIOS Settings 51
'*** Set the value of ChassisIntrusionStatus to'5'
'***Set the new value for the property and save the
objInstance.Properties_.Item(strPropName).Value = 5
'*** If any errors occurred, let the user know.
If Err.Number <> 0
Then WScript.Echo "Clearing Chassis Intrusion Status
End If
'*** Sub used to display the correct usage of the
Sub Usage()
Dim strMessage
strMessage = "incorrect syntax. You should run: " &
vbCRLF & _ "cscript.exe /nologo
SampleChassisIntrusionClear.vbs <systemname>"
WScript.Echo strMessage
End Sub
Disable Desktop Messages for All Alerts
Below is a sample VBScript that will disable the message box that is displayed
on the desktop if an alert condition is detected.
Namespace: root\DellOMCI
Class Name: Dell_IndicationStaticValues
'Key' Value: Not Applicable to this example
Property Name: MaxDisplayNotifications
Property Value: 0
'*** Name: SampleDisableAlertMessages.vbs