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NOTE: Libraries licensed to their full capacity have their total number of storage slots reduced by the number of
configured I/E slots. This fact is reflected in the slot counts shown on the Web client and operator panel screens. For
example, an ML6010 CM that has six configured I/E slots will show 30 storage slots available. The storage slot counts in
this document assume zero configured I/E station slots.
*Including I/E station slots
The maximum number of partitions that can be created is equal to the number of drives in the library.
Table 1-1
on page 2 shows the maximum number of partitions that can be created for each of the available library
configurations. For more information about partitions, see “Description” in the
Dell PowerVault ML6000 Tape
Library User’s Guide
on the
Documentation CD
I/E Station Slots
Each ML6010 (5U) Library Control Module contains six I/E station slots, and each 9U Expansion Module
contains 12 I/E station slots. You can choose to configure zero I/E station slots and use all slots in all I/E stations
for tape cartridge storage.
Table 1-1
shows the numbers of I/E slots supported by each library configuration. For
more information about I/E slots, see “Description” in the
Dell PowerVault ML6000 Tape Library User’s Guide
Documentation CD
Setting Up Your ML6000
Table 1-3
for references to the appropriate installation instructions for your library configuration.
NOTE: The latest firmware must be installed on the library if you are upgrading from an ML6010 CM (5U), ML6020 CM
(14U), or ML6030 CM (23U) configuration to a larger configuration. The latest firmware can be found at
CAUTION: All libraries must be installed in a rack having a main protective earthing (grounding) terminal, and power
must be supplied via an industrial plug and socket-outlet and/or an appliance coupler complying with IEC 60309 (or an
equivalent national standard) and having a protective earth (ground) conductor with a cross sectional area of at least
1.5 mm
(14 AWG). To ensure proper airflow and access space, Allow 60 cm (24 inches) in the front and back of the
CAUTION: Without tape drives, tape cartridges, or power supplies, a 5U Library Control Module weighs
approximately 58 lbs. A 9U Expansion Module, without tape drives, tape cartridges, or power supplies, exceeds 65 lbs.
To avoid serious injury, at least two people are required to safely lift the modules into position.
Table 1-2. Available Slots and COD Upgrades Per Configuration*
Library Configuration Minimum, Maximum
Available Slots
Pre-Activated Slots
Pre-Activated Slots
Available COD
Slot Upgrades
ML6010 CM 36, 36 36 36 NA
ML6020 CM 36, 128 36 36, 82, 128 82, 128
ML6030 CM 82, 218 82 82, 128, 174, 218 128, 174, 218
ML6030 CM
+ 1 ML6000 EM
82, 310 82 82, 128, 174,
220, 266, 310
128, 174,
220, 266, 310
ML6030 CM
+ 2 ML6000 EMs
82, 402 82 82, 128, 174, 220,
266, 312, 358, 402
128, 174, 220,
266, 312, 358, 402