TX 4000 PCI SS7 Network Interface Board Installation Manual Installing the TX 4000 board
Configuring the hardware
This topic describes the following procedures for configuring the TX 4000 board:
• Configuring H.100 bus termination
• Configuring SS7 Monitor mode
• DIP switch S1
Configuring H.100 bus termination
The TX 4000 board connects to an H.100 bus. Boards on the H.100 bus are
connected to one another with an H.100 bus cable. Enable bus termination on the
board located on each end of the H.100 bus.
The following illustration shows the H.100 bus configuration:
Enable bus
H.100 bus cable
Enable bus
DIP switch S2 on the TX 4000 board controls the H.100 bus termination. The DIP
switch is located on the front of the board, below the H.100 bus connector. By
default, all S2 switches are set to the OFF position. H.100 bus termination is
To enable H.100 bus termination, set all S2 switches to the ON position only for the
boards that are on the ends of the H.100 bus.
Note: The switches in DIP switch S2 must be set to either all ON or all OFF.
Dialogic Corporation 17