D-Link 210 Network Router User Manual

Figure 8.2. LDAP for PPP with CHAP, MS-CHAPv1 or MS-CHAPv2
Important: The link to the LDAP server must be protected
Since the LDAP server is sending back passwords in plain text to NetDefendOS, the
link between the NetDefend Firewall and the server must be protected. A VPN link
should be used if the link between the two is not local.
Access to the LDAP server itself must also be restricted as passwords will be stored in
plain text.
8.2.5. Authentication Rules
An Authentication Rule should be defined when a client establishing a connection through a
NetDefend Firewall is to be prompted for a username/password login sequence.
Authentication Rules are set up in a way that is similar to other NetDefendOS security policies, by
specifying which traffic is to be subject to the rule. They differ from other policies in that the
connection's destination network/interface is not of interest but only the source network/interface.
Authentication Rule Parameters
An Authentication Rule has the following parameters:
Authentication Agent
The type of traffic being authenticated. This can one of:
HTTP web connections to be authenticated via a predefined or custom web page (see the
detailed HTTP explanation below).
HTTPS web connections to be authenticated via a predefined or custom web page (also see
the detailed HTTP explanation below).
iii. XAUTH
8.2.5. Authentication Rules Chapter 8. User Authentication