D-Link 210 Network Router User Manual

configuration and decrease the ability to troubleshoot problems.
3.2.6. Custom Service Timeouts
Any service can have its custom timeouts set. These can also be set globally in NetDefendOS but it
is more usual to change these values individually in a custom service.
The timeout settings that can be customized are as follows:
Initial Timeout
This is the time allowed for a new connection to be open.
Establish (Idle) Timeout
If there is no activity on a connection for this amount of time then it is considered to be closed
and is removed from the NetDefendOS state table. The default setting for this time with
TCP/UDP connections is 3 days.
Closing Timeout
The is the time allowed for the connection to be closed.
The administrator must make a judgement as what the acceptable values should be for a particular
protocol. This may depend, for example, on the expected responsiveness of servers to which clients
3.2.6. Custom Service Timeouts Chapter 3. Fundamentals