Conguring and Controlling the Projector via a Web Browser
Network Settings
Displays and congures network settings.
Click the [Apply] button to save the settings.
• The new conguration settings are activated after restarting the
network connection. When the conguration settings are changed, you must
restart the network connection. You can restart the network connection by
clicking [Network Restart] on the main menu.
• If you connect the projector to an existing network, consult a network
administrator before setting server addresses.
Item Description
IP Conguration Congures network settings.
IP Address Congures the IP address when DHCP is disabled.
Subnet Mask Congures the subnet mask when DHCP is disabled.
Default Gateway Congures the default gateway when DHCP is disabled.
Projector Name
Congures the name of the projector.
The length of the Projector Name can be up to 64
alphanumeric characters. Numbers ‘0-9’ and alphabet ‘a-z’,
‘A-Z’ and symbols can be used.
sysLocation (SNMP)
Congures the location to be referred to when using SNMP.
The length of the sysLocation can be up to 255 alphanumeric
characters. Only numbers ‘0-9’ and alphabet ‘a-z’, ‘A-Z’ can
be used.
sysContact (SNMP)
Congures the contact information to be referred to when
using SNMP.
The length of the sysContact can be up to 255 alphanumeric
characters. Only numbers ‘0-9’ and alphabet ‘a-z’, ‘A-Z’ can
be used.
DNS Server Address Congures the DNS server address.