Epsilon Eb Digital Servo Drive Installation Manual
Travel Limit +/-
This fault is caused when either the + or - Travel Limit input function is active.
“All On”
This is a normal condition during power up of the drive. It will last for less than 1 second. If
this display persists, call Control Techniques for service advice.
Normally, “All On” appears for less than one second during power-up. All segments are
dimly lit when power is “Off.” This is normal when an external signal is applied to the
encoder inputs (motor or master) or serial port from an externally powered device. The
signals applied to the inputs cannot exceed 5.5V level required to drive logic common or drive
damage will occur.
Diagnostic Analog Output Test Points
The drive has two 8-bit real-time analog outputs which may be used for diagnostics,
monitoring or control purposes. These outputs are referred to as Channel 1 and Channel 2.
They can be accessed from the Command Connector on the drive or from the Diagnostics
Analog Output Pins located on the front of the drive.
Each Channel can be programmed to the following sources:
Analog Output Source options
• Velocity Command
• Velocity Feedback
• Torque Command (equates to Torque Command Actual parameter)
• Torque Feedback
• Following Error
Default Analog Output Source
• Channel 1 = Velocity Feedback
• Channel 2 = Torque Command
The DGNE cable was designed to be used with either an oscilloscope or a meter. The wires
are different lengths to avoid shorting to each other. However, if signals do get shorted to
GND, the drive will not be damaged because the circuitry is protected.
Output Source Offset Scale
1 Velocity Feedback 0 600 RPM/volt
2 Torque Command 0
30 percent/volt for selected