Pins 5 & 6 - Any-Mode Shutdown
1. Pin 6 of the 9-pin communication connector is used for “Any-Mode Shut-
down” of the UPS output. This control input may be used in special applica-
tions to disable the UPS output power—both Inverter and Bypass.
2. The Options tab allows the behavior of the Any-Mode Shutdown feature to
be modified. When the program opens, or the REFRESH button is pressed,
the UPS setting is read by the configuration program and displayed.
Auto-Enable Output
Pin 6 Logic
If version 1.6 (or later) is used with an earlier Liebert GXT2U model (with an
earlier UPS firmware version), the Any-Mode Shutdown features cannot be
If the configuration program is used with an earlier UPS model (with an
earlier UPS firmware version) that does not support the modification of these
settings, the Options tab will display a reminder of the factory default
settings. These cannot be changed.
Note that when this option is selected and the UPS output is
disabled using Pin 6, the UPS output can turn on automatically
and without warning if the Pin 6 connection is changed.
DO NOT CHANGE THIS OPTION from the factory default
setting unless you are ready to install a normally-closed
connection between Pins 5 & 6. This connection must be
maintained to use the UPS or to use the configuration program
again, including the ability to change the UPS setting back to the
default setting using the configuration program via a serial
communication link.