Power light Status light Lamp light Temp light Status and solution
Off Flashing blue Orange Off Lamp has a problem
• Check to see if the lamp is burned
out, broken, or installed
incorrectly; reseat or replace the
lamp as necessary
• Clean or replace the air filter
• If operating the projector at high
altitude, turn on High Altitude
• If the problem persists, unplug the
projector and contact Epson for
Flashing blue Varies Flashing Off Replace the lamp soon to avoid
orange damage; do not continue using the
Off Flashing blue Off Flashing A fan or sensor has a problem; turn
orange the projector off, unplug it, and
contact Epson for help
Off Flashing blue Flashing Flashing Auto Iris error; turn the projector off,
orange orange unplug it, and contact Epson for
Off Flashing blue Orange Orange Power error (ballast); turn the
projector off, unplug it, and contact
Epson for help
Off Flashing blue Flashing Off Internal projector error; turn the
orange projector off, unplug it, and contact
Epson for help
Any Any Any Any Screen Mirroring light is solid blue;
Screen Mirroring connection is
Any Any Any Any Screen Mirroring light flashes blue
quickly; connecting to a device