Epson 420i Printer User Manual

* Baud Rate Selection
* Parity Selection
* Parity Error Selection
DIP Switch Bank 2
This bank of switches selects some of the other features of the Epson 420i. These
switches may be left in the OFF position as they come from the factory, or you may
wish to change some of the switch settings to select different features. First you must
decide if you want to use the Epson FX mode or the IBM Graphics Printer mode,
determined by Switch 2-4.
* LF (Line Feed) Command Selection
A carriage return is executed when the printhead returns to the print start or left margin
* CR (Carriage Return) Command Selection
SW 2-2
Execute a carriage return upon
receiving a line feed
If SW2-1 and SW2-2 are both set on ON, the CR command and the LF command
perform the same function.