Sets or cancels the user-defined character set.
• Only the lowest bit of n is valid.
When n = <*******1>
, the userdefined character
set is set.
When n = <*******O>
, the userdefined character
set is canceled (and the internal character set is set).
n 0
ESC & s n m [a[p]sXa]m-n+1
Define user-defined characters
< 1B >
< 26 >
< s >< n >< m > [< a >< p1 >
< p2 >---< psXa >] m-n+1
s = 3
Defines user-defined characters for ANK character codes.
- “s” specifies the number of bytes in the vertical direction.
- “n” specifies the beginning ASCII code for the definition
and "m" the final code. If only one character is defined,
use n = m.
- The allowable character code range is from ASCII code
< 2O >
to < 7E >
and the maximum number of characters
is 95.
“a” specifies the number of dots in the horizontal direction.
- “p” Is the dot data for the characters. The dot pattern for
a dots is in the horizontal direction from the left side. The
remaining dot pattern on the right side is space. The amount
of data to be defined is sXa.
- After userdefined characters are defined once, they are
available until another definition is made, until ESC @ is