- n selects the font from the following table.
0 Font A
Font B
. HRI means Human Readable Interpretation.
- HRI characters are printed at the position specified by GS H.
n = 0
GS * n1 n2 [d]n1Xn2X8
Define down-loaded bit image
< 1D >
< 2A >
< n1 >< n2 >[< d >]n1Xn2X8
Defines a down-loaded bit image with the number of dots
specified by n1 and n2.
- The number of dots in the horizontal direction is n1X8,
and in the vertical direction is n2X8.
- “d" specifies the bit image data.
- After a down-loaded bit image is defined once, it is
available until another definition is made, until ESC @ is
executed, until ESC & is executed, or until the printer is
turned off.
- The relationship between the bit image data and the trans-
mitted dots is as follows:
The user-defined characters and a down-loaded bit image
cannot be defined at the same time. If this command
is executed, the user-defined characters will be cleared.
GS /