226 | Index
banding, 183
blank paper, 188
blurry prints, 185
cable, 187
color, 184, 188
diagnosing, 175
faint prints, 185
garbled characters, 187
ghosting, 184
graininess, 184
inverted image, 187
margin, 187
misalignment, 183
misregistration, 184
nothing prints, 187
operational, 186 to 187
paper, 189 to 192
print quality, 182 to 186
print speed, 109, 188
printing stops, 186
roll paper cannot be cut, 188
smeared prints, 185
Profiles, color, 141 to 148
Progress Meter, 107, 108
Quality Options, Windows, 88 to 89
Registering non-Epson media
control panel, 82 to 84
Mac OS X 10.4, 133 to 134
Mac OS X 10.6 & 10.5,
119 to 120
Windows, 100 to 103
Remaining paper setup, 61
Requirements, system, 13
Mac OS X 10.4, 131
Mac OS X 10.6 & 10.5, 118
Windows, 88
Roll paper
cannot be cut, 188
cutting manually, 69
loading, 59 to 68
Mac OS X 10.4 settings,
134 to 135
Mac OS X 10.6 & 10.5 settings,
121 to 122
ordering adapters, 12
printable area, 201
remaining, 61
removing from printer, 70 to 72
Save Roll Paper setting, 94, 122,
tracking, 61
trim lines, 69, 96, 122, 135
Windows settings, 93 to 96
approvals, 196
instructions, 15 to 17
Save Roll Paper setting
Mac OS X 10.4, 135
Mac OS X 10.6 & 10.5, 122
Windows, 94
Setting up printer, 21 to 45
installing, 51 to 54
uninstalling, 193 to 194
electrical, 195
environmental, 195
ink cartridges, 201
paper, 196 to 201
printable area, 201
printer, 195 to 201
Speed and Progress utility, 107 to 110
Status Monitor
Mac OS X, 151 to 152
Windows, 107 to 110, 151 to 152
Storing printer, 170 to 173