Attachment C
Attachment D
Attachment E
Attachment F
Attachment G
This application note covers for implementation of a DC-DC
converter on a Pentium Pro motherboard using the RC5040
and RC5042. The detailed discussion includes Pentium Pro
processor power requirements, RC5040 and RC5042
description, design considerationsn and component selec-
tions, layout guidelines and considerations, guidelines for
debugging, and performance evaluations.
RC5040/RC5042 Evaluation Board
Raytheon Electronics provides an evaluation board for the
purpose of verifying system level performance of the
RC5040 and RC5042. The evaluation board serves as a guide
as to what can be expected in performance with the supplied
external components and PCB layout. Please call Raytheon
Electronics Marketing Department at (415) 966-7819 for an
evaluation board.