FS-8700-105_National_Time_and_Signal_FACP Manual Page 22 of 25
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:www.fieldserver.com
Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-9042 Toll_Free: 888-509-1970 email: support@fieldserver.com
Message Interpretation and Corrective Action
The message is also printed the very 1
time that a valid
message is received.
NATS:#27 Err. Parse Failed
Typically the message preceding this one provides the
reason and that issue must be resolved to prevent this
message being printed. The message is printed a small
number of times and is suppressed for subsequent similar
NATS:#28 Err. Parse: Msg too
long. Ignored. Len=%d
This message will typically be printed when the
terminating characters of a message are not received and a
new message is received from the panel.
If the message is printed rarely, you could treat the source
as an occasional corrupt message. Reset the configuration
error light by clearing the error log using the <R>eset key.
If the message is printed frequently or can be produced
systematically take a log and call Tech Support.
NATS:#29 Err. MD=%s too
short. Act=%d Rqd=%d
The address/port contained in a message is used to
determine the offset into a Data Array when data is stored.
This message is printed when the required storage offset
is larger than the range of addresses specified on the Map
Descriptor being used to store the data. Edit the
configuration, adjusting the Length parameter. Download
the modified configuration file to the FieldServer and
reset the FieldServer for your changes to have effect.
NATS:#30 Err. Message
ignored. No suitable storage
A message has been received and when its Panel number,
Board number, Loop Number, Port-Type, Port Number
(and possibly Sub-Port-Type and Sub-Port-Number) are
analyzed, the driver cannot find a Map Descriptor suitable
for the storage of the event contained in the message.
You need one node configured for each Panel that will be
sending messages to the FieldServer using a single
connection. The Node_Id must match the panel number.
Then, for each node, you need one Map Descriptor (MD)
for each Board in each of those panels, whose events, will
be sent to the FieldServer. In fact you need one for each
Board / Loop / Port-Type combination in the system. Use
the parameters called Address and Length, on each MD,
to specify a range of port numbers.
If a port has sub ports then for each port that has a sub-
port you will need a set of MD’s, one for each Sub-Port-