Using Business Englisch Wörterbuch
1. In the Wörterbuch, press / to select a word.
• Alternatively,typeinthesearchboxtolookforaword.
2. Press DICT to view denition of the selected word.
• Tochangethelanguageoftheheadwords,pressTOGGLE.
Playing Games in Wörterbuch
1. In Wörterbuch, press GAME.
2. Press / to choose an option from the pop-up menu.
• German > English: Selects German as the source language of the
English > German: Selects English as the source language of the
Continue: Continues from where you have last played.
3. Press
4. In the game, press / to choose an answer from the right that
matches with the word on the left.
• Press to hear the game word pronounced (if pronunciation is
5. Press
or SELECT to submit your choice.
• Eachgamecontains20rounds.
• Whenthegameisdone,asummaryofgameresultsandprogressis
shown. You may end the game anytime by pressing END (showing
your current progress and result).
6. At the end of the game, press NEXT to start a new game or press
RETRY to play the current game again.
4.1 PONS Business Englisch