5.5 Pronunciation Trainer
In Pronunciation Trainer, you learn rules in English pronunciations and
practise your own skills by comparing with native voices. There are ve
• Sounds of English: Learn basic pronunciation rules.
• Stress and Rhythm: Learn rules in stress and rhythm.
• Mischief Makers: Learn more hints and exceptions in
• Let’s Talk!: Speak words and compare with native voices.
• Pronunciation Practice: Select a word for pronunciation practice.
Using Sounds of English, Stress and Rhythm
and Mischief Makers
1. In Pronunciation Trainer, press / to select Sounds of English,
Stress and Rhythm or Mischief Makers and then press
2. In the selected module, press / to select a topic and then
• Repeatthisstepiftherearesub-topics.
3. Press / or / to read the content.
• Ifawordorphraseishighlighted,itmeanspronunciationisavailable,
press LISTEN or to listen. To stop listening, press STOP.
• PressPREV / NEXT to skip to the previous or next word or phrase
with pronunciation in the current screen.
• Youcanrecordyourownpronunciationstocomparewiththe
native voices. Press REC ON to record your own pronunciations.
The recording stops automatically when the red progress bar is full.
To give up recording, press REC OFF. Press LISTEN to listen to the
native voice and then your own pronunciation. The recording will be
erased once you select another word.
• InOddOneOutunderMischiefMakers,pressSTART to start the
exercise. Use the direction keys to select the answers and then press
or CONFIRM to submit the answers. To quit the exercise,
press CLOSE.