Example /etc/hostname6.fjgi*:
Define the unique hostname (This sample named giga-v6):
addif giga-v6/120 up
Note: If you defined the hostname in hostname.fjgi* file, see the section " Defining Hostname"
for detailed information.
3. To use the GigabitEthernet as an VLAN interface:
See " Configuring VLAN interface", and after defining VLAN name, proceed with above 1 or 2
procedure. Defining Hostname
Defining an IP address with a unique hostname.
1. To use secondary LAN port as an IPv4 interface:
Edit IPv4 address and hostname into the /etc/hosts file.
Example /etc/hosts file:
# IP Address Hostname giga-v4
2. To use secondary LAN port as an IPv6 interface:
Edit IPv6 address and hostname into the /etc/inet/ipnodes file.
Example /etc/inet/ipnodes file:
# IP Address Hostname
fe80::2e0:ff:fea6:2222 giga-v6 Defining Netmask Value
To use secondary LAN port as an IPv4 interface, define a netmask value with the IP address into
/etc/netmasks file.
Example /etc/netmasks file:
# IP Address netmask
4.3.2 Setting the Operation Mode
This section explains how to edit the file or implement a command to change the operation mode. When you
use a secondary LAN port without the default method of automatic setup of speed/duplex/flowcontrol by
autonegotiation, change the operation mode with the procedures described below: fjgi.conf file
When not using the default operation mode described in 4.3.2, you should use the
/platform/sun4us/kernel/drv/fjgi.conf file. The set-up procedure of this file is described below: Parameters List
The following table shows the list of the parameters in which setting change is possible.