Fujitsu FTP604 Printer User Manual

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3.7.3 Underline
When underline characters are printed the last line in the character
matrix will be marked.
3.7.4 Bold
When bold characters are printed the character is or with itself shifted
3.7.5 Reverse
When reverse characters are printed the character matrix will be
3.7.6 Italic.
When Italic characters are printed every line will be shifted the following
number of dots to the right:
(Line number from bottom)/4
3.7.7 Font sizes.
Font Width Height
Small Normal Normal
Low Double Normal
Narrow Normal Double
Normal Double Double
Wide Double Quadruple
High Quadruple Double
Large Quadruple Quadruple
Xlarge Octuple Octuple
When the size is normal or greater a build in smooth function will
smooth the characters.