Parts List 13
XG1200 The XG1200 itself (from zero to eight Xenpak modules may
be installed).
Power Cord A 3-pin cable to connect the XG1200 to a power supply.
Serial Cross Cable A cable to connect the XG1200 to a PC when the settings
need to be adjusted.
Rack Mounting Bracket L A bracket for mounting the XG1200 in a rack. Attach the rack
mounting bracket L to the front-left side of the XG1200, and
fasten to the front-left rack post with the rack screws (large).
Rack Mounting Bracket R A bracket for mounting the XG1200 in a rack. Attach the rack
mounting bracket R to the front-right side of the XG1200, and
fasten to the front-right rack post with the rack screws (large).
Rack Mounting Bracket BL A bracket for mounting the XG1200 in a rack. Attach the rack
mounting bracket BL to the back-left side of the XG1200, and
fasten to the rail (attached to the back-left rack post) with the
rack screws (small).
Rack Mounting Bracket BR A bracket for mounting the XG1200 in a rack. Attach the rack
mounting bracket BR to the back-right side of the XG1200,
and fasten to the rail (attached to the back-right rack post)
with the rack screws (small).
Rails Two rails that are attached to the back-left and back-right
rack posts and into which the back rack mounting brackets
(BL, BR) are slid and then fastened when mounting the
XG1200 in a rack.
Bracket Screws Countersunk screws for fixing the rack mounting brackets (L,
R, BL, and BR) to the XG1200.
Rack Nuts When the rack post holes are round, use the rack nuts to fas-
ten the XG1200 and the rails to the rack posts with the rack
screws (large).
Cage Nuts When the rack post holes are square, use the rack nuts to
fasten the XG1200 and the rails to the rack posts with the
rack screws (large).
Rack Screws (Large) Pan-head screws for fixing the XG1200 and the rails to the
rack posts.
Rack Screws (Small) Pan-head screws for fixing the back rack mounting brackets
(BL, BR) to the rails.
CD-ROM Contains documents necessary to operate the XG1200.
Hardware Guide A manual describing the XG1200 hardware and related mat-
ters (this manual).
Wrist Strap Used when performing maintenance on the XG1200.