Fujitsu P2WW-2646-01ENZ0 Scanner User Manual

1.3 Starting Up and Exiting
1.3 Starting Up and Exiting
This section describes how to start up and exit CardMinder.
Starting up directly
Follow the procedure below:
1. From Dock, click the Finder icon ( ).
2. Double-click [Applications] [CardMinder] [CardMinder].
D CardMinder is started.
z You can also start CardMinder immediately after scanning a card using ScanSnap.
For details, refer to the Operator's Guide of your ScanSnap.
z You can also click the registered icon ( ) to start CardMinder if CardMinder is
registered in Dock.
For registration procedures, refer to CardMinder Help.
z When started up for the first time after installation, a database is created for each user (default storage
location is, from the sidebar in Finder, [Documents] [CardMinder] [CardMinder DB.cxdb]).
z From the next time on, CardMinder always starts showing contents of the last-operated CardMinder
database in its window.