HP (Hewlett-Packard) 2600-PWR Switch User Manual

Web and MAC Authentication for the Series 2600/2600-PWR and 2800 Switches
Configuring MAC Authentication on the Switch
5. Configure the switch for MAC-Auth:
a. Configure MAC Authentication on the switch ports you want to use.
6. Test both the authorized and unauthorized access to your system to
ensure that MAC Authentication works properly on the ports you have
configured for port-access.
Configure the Switch for MAC-Based Authentication
Command Page
Configuration Level
aaa port-access mac-based addr-format 3-23
[no] aaa port-access mac-based [e] < port-list > 3-24
[addr-limit] 3-24
[addr-moves] 3-24
[auth-vid] 3-24
[logoff-period] 3-24
[max-requests] 3-25
[quiet-period] 3-25
[reauth-period] 3-25
[reauthenticate] 3-25
[server-timeout] 3-25
[unauth-vid] 3-25
Syntax: aaa port-access mac-based addr-format
Specifies the MAC address format to be used in the
RADIUS request message. This format must match the
format used to store the MAC addresses in the RADIUS
server. (Default: no-delimiter)
no-delimiter specifies an aabbccddeeff format.
single-dashspecifies an aabbcc-ddeeff format.
multi-dash — specifies an aa-bb-cc-dd-ee-ff format.
multi-colon — specifies an aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff format.