Getting Started
This guide is intended for use with the following switches:
■ HP ProCurve 2910al Switch
It describes how to use the command line interface (CLI), Menu interface, and
web browser to configure, manage, monitor, and troubleshoot switch opera-
tion. For an overview of other product documentation for the above switches,
refer to “Product Documentation” on page xi. You can download documenta-
tion from the ProCurve Networking web site,
Configuration and Operation Examples
Unless otherwise noted, examples using a particular switch model apply to all
switch models covered by this guide.
Protocol Acronyms
IP Refers to the IPv4 protocol unless otherwise noted.
IPv6 Refers to the IPv6 protocol.
Command Syntax and Displayed Information
Command Syntax Statements
Syntax: ip < default-gateway < ip-addr >> | routing >
Syntax: show interfaces [port-list ]
■ Vertical bars ( | ) separate alternative, mutually exclusive elements.
■ Square brackets ( [ ] ) indicate optional elements.
■ Braces ( < > ) enclose required elements.
■ Braces within square brackets ( [ < > ] ) indicate a required element within
an optional choice.