3–10 Hardware Guide
Battery Packs
Recharging the Battery Pack
1. Connect the notebook to external power and keep the
notebook connected until the battery pack is fully recharged
and the battery light turns off.
You can use the notebook while the battery pack is recharging, but
the battery pack will charge faster if the notebook is turned off.
2. Select the Power Meter icon on the taskbar or select Start >
Control Panel > Performance and Maintenance > Power
Options > Power Schemes.
3. Reenter the 3 settings you wrote down for the 3 options in the
Plugged In column and for the 3 options in the Running on
Batteries column.
4. Select the OK button.
CAUTION: To reenable Hibernation after calibrating the battery pack,
select Start > Control Panel > Performance and Maintenance > Power
Options > Hibernate, and then select the Enable Hibernation check box.
Battery Conservation Procedures and
Using the battery conservation procedures and settings described
in the following section extends the run time of the battery pack.
Conserving Power as You Work
To conserve power while you use the notebook:
■ Plug in the AC adapter, especially if you are using a
CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive, or any external connections.
■ Turn off wireless and local area network (LAN) connections
and exit modem applications when you are not using them.
■ Set the automatic timeout settings to emphasize saving