HP Embedded Web Server features
Information tab
Table 9-1 HP Embedded Web Server Information tab
Menu Description
Device Status Shows the product status and shows the estimated life remaining of HP supplies. The
page also shows the type and size of paper set for each tray. To change the default
settings, click the Change Settings link.
Job Log Shows a summary of all jobs the product has processed.
Configuration Page Shows the information found on the configuration page.
Supplies Status Page Shows the status of the supplies for the product.
Event Log Page Shows a list of all product events and errors. Use the HP Instant Support link (in
the Other Links area on all HP Embedded Web Server pages) to connect to a set
of dynamic Web pages that help you solve problems. These pages also show
additional services available for the product.
Usage Page Shows a summary of the number of pages the product has printed, grouped by
size, type, and paper print path.
Device Information Shows the product network name, address, and model information. To customize
these entries, click the Device Information menu on the General tab.
Print Upload a print-ready file from your computer to print. The product uses the default
print settings to print the file.
Printable Reports and Pages Lists the internal reports and pages for the product. Select one or more items to print
or view.
General tab
Table 9-2 HP Embedded Web Server General tab
Menu Description
Control Panel Administration
Shows the menu structure of the Administration menu on the control panel.
NOTE: You can configure settings on this screen, but the HP Embedded Web
Server provides more advanced configuration options than are available through
the Administration menu.
Alerts Set up e-mail alerts for various product and supplies events.
AutoSend Configure the product to send automated e-mails regarding product configuration
and supplies to specific e-mail addresses.
Control Panel Snapshot Shows an image of the current screen on the control-panel display.
Edit Other Links Add or customize a link to another Web site. This link appears in the Other Links
area on all HP Embedded Web Server pages.
Ordering Information Enter information about ordering replacement print cartridges. This information
appears on the supplies status page.
148 Chapter 9 Manage and maintain ENWW