HP (Hewlett-Packard) QR516B Computer Accessories User Manual

Figure 20 Detaching a LUN
Host and Storage Usage
Eventlog and Host Log Messages
All HP 3PAR system debug messages can be seen using the showeventlog -debug cli
command. On the ESX host, errors are reported in /var/log/vmkernel files. Use the showalert
HP 3PAR OS CLI command to see alerts and warnings posted from the HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage.
Some examples of storage server posted messages:
If the user has set the space allocation warning for a TPVV volume, the system eventlog will
show the Thin provisioning soft threshold reached message when the limit is
1 Debug Host error undefined Port 1:5:2 -- SCSI status 0x02 (Check
condition) Host:sqa-dl380g5-14-esx5 (WWN 2101001B32A4BA98) LUN:22 LUN
WWN:50002ac00264011c VV:0 CDB:280000AB082000000800 (Read10) Skey:0x06 (Unit
attention) asc/q:0x38/07 (Thin provisioning soft threshold reached) VVstat:0x00
(TE_PASS -- Success) after 0.000s (Abort source unknown) toterr:74882,
If the user has set a hard limit on the HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage volume when using HP 3PAR
OS 2.3.1 MU2 or later, the HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage will post the write protect error
(ASC/Q: 0x27/0x7) when the limit is reached. This is considered a hard error, and the VM
is stunned in ESX 4.x and ESXi 5.x. Additional space needs to be added to the storage to
clear the error condition.
PDT 1 Debug Host error undefined Port 1:5:2 -- SCSI status
0x02 (Check condition) Host:sqa-dl380g5-14-esx5 (WWN 2101001B32A4BA98) LUN:22
LUN WWN:50002ac00264011c VV:612 CDB:2A00005D6CC800040000 (Write10) Skey:0x07 (Data
protect) asc/q:0x27/07 (Space allocation failed write protect) VVstat:0x41
(VV_ADM_NO_R5 -- No space left on snap data volume) after 0.302s (Abort
source unknown) toterr:74886, lunerr:3
For ESX 4.x or ESXi 5.x, an ESX host managed by vSphere client or vCenter Server will scan
for LUNs at 5-minute intervals by issuing the REPORT LUN command and discovering any
new LUNs.
82 Allocating Storage for Access by the ESX Host