The System Monitoring Network of the Lightning 9900 V Series
Lightning 9900 V Series systems are designed with a system-monitoring network. The
system-monitoring cables are connected to all cabinets in Lightning 9900 V Series systems,
and they report a variety of system parameters, such as component failure, fan speed, power,
voltages, and temperature, to ensure trouble-free operation. This network not only provides
for efficient predictive maintenance (replacing a component before it fails), but also for the
failure alert system to expedite system repair after a component has failed. This information
is passed to the Control Frame, where it can be viewed either locally by the Service
Processor (SVP) or remotely by the Hitachi Resource Manager
storage package across a
private LAN on a UNIX
or Microsoft
Windows NT
console. Users can view failure
information via SNMP or IBM
SIMs. System status and alerts are also sent to
Hitachi Data Systems Customer Support Centers via the Hi-Track
“call-home” software
Figure 11 – A Lightning
9970V system single-
cabinet storage system.
Hitachi Data Sy s t e m s
Lightning 9900 V Series
systems have both a
predictive maintenance
and a failure alert