The Hi C o m m a n d
Management Fr a m ew o rk and
Hitachi Re s o u r ce Ma n a g e r
System Management So f t w a r e
A Powerful and Open Systems Management Philosophy
The Hitachi Freedom Storage
Software Solutions support an enterprise’s strategic goal
of helping customers focus on their business issues, instead of on deploying enabling
technologies, by providing powerful centralized management capabilities. The many
advanced functions available on Hitachi Freedom Storage hardware are initiated, managed,
and controlled through the powerful HiCommand
Management Framework.
The Hitachi Freedom Storage Software Solutions also deliver enterprise-wide coverage
of online data copy/relocation, data access/protection, and storage system resource
management. Customers have the freedom to choose the precise solution – or combination
of solutions – appropriate for their environment.
HiCommand Management Framework Allows Systems Management of Hitachi
F reedom Storage and Software through the Enterprise’s Vendor of Choice
Hitachi Freedom Storage software and hardware solutions are managed through the
powerful HiCommand Management Framework, which was created to reduce operations
expense and increase business agility while enabling operational excellence. Through use of
standards-based application programming interfaces (APIs), Hitachi has ensured that any
independent software or hardware vendor (ISV or IHV) can develop products that
seamlessly integrate into the framework. The HiCommand Management Framework
encompasses storage resource management, configuration management and automation,
automated data replication and recovery, performance management and optimization, and
related functionality. Beginning with the HiCommand Device Manager and HiCommand
Tuning Manager modules, the framework will expand to provide a full suite of storage
management applications.
HiCommand Device Manager, the first module of the HiCommand Management
Framework, consists of three components: the Device Manager server, a Web-based
graphical user interface (GUI) browser, and Device Manager host agents that access
software management functionality. Most importantly, Device Manager software can plug
into other management frameworks. This feature provides the utmost in an open
architecture and leverages an enterprise's existing investments in software and skills.
HiCommand Tuning Manager software maps, monitors, analyzes, and reviews an
entire storage network’s resources, all from a consolidated single screen. Intuitive and Web-
based, Tuning Manager software provides the necessary data to improve the administration-
to-storage resource ratio, maintain IT service- and operating-level agreements, employ
predictive trending to forecast future storage requirements, generate storage reports for
current usage analysis, and set real-time capacity and performance metrics. The ability of
Device Manager software and Tuning Manager software to globally manage all Hitachi
Freedom Storage hardware and software is shown in Figure 25.
H i C o m m a n d Management Framework Provides an Open Framework for
Storage Management
With the advent of SAN and NAS, customers have greater flexibility and control over
The many adva n c e d
functions available on
Hitachi Freedom St o ra g e
h a rd w a r e are initiated,
managed, and contro l l e d
t h rough the powe rf u l
Hi Command Ma n a g e m e n t
Fra m e w o rk software .