Hitachi 9900 Network Router User Manual

Overview of How the Systems Management Software Supports
Business Objectives
To be successful in todays business environment, companies must attain the highest
levels of business agility, with maximum IT system efficiency and performance. The
storage-centric” model of computing is widely accepted today. In this model “enterprise
data” is the most important element of the IT infrastructure. Explosively growing storage in
both centralized and distributed environments must be managed intelligently while
ensuring that storage data remains available to all who need it. Intelligent storage and
network management software suites like the Hitachi Resource Manager software package,
therefore, are at the heart of the enterprises ability to achieve high levels of performance
and availability to meet business objectives.
Hitachi Resource Manager Provides Powerful Device-level Storage
Management Capability
As shown in Table 6, this comprehensive systems and software management offering
brings together 11 powerful software solutions, with those shown in bold being standard.
Shipped with every Hitachi Freedom Storage
Thunder 9500
V Series and Lightning
9900 V Series systems, these integrated software packages are used by storage managers to
display system configuration, create user name/password security for administrators, set up
RAID groups, allocate LUNs, expand LUNs, and format storage. Storage administrators
who need a flexible, easy-to-use configuration and error-management tool will find
Resource Manager software package is an ideal choice. Users can monitor and manage their
storage systems through a graphical user interface.
The Resource Manager software package can also help optimize performance by
providing valuable resource utilization information, such as I/O activity, cache usage, and
availability status/event notification. Administrators can use Password Protection to
authorize users. This provides protection against unauthorized access to the Management
mode of Resource Manager software, and stores the password list at the array. Reliable error
management and reporting offers a big breakthrough for IT troubleshooters who seek
rapid-fire detection and notification to maintain productivity.
The following is a description of the Resource Manager modules and capabilities
applicable to Thunder 9500 V Series and Lightning 9900 V Series systems as summarized
in Table 6.
1. Out-of-band Management
Two LANs can be attached to the Thunder 9500 V Series systems: an internal
LAN (private LAN), which is used to connect the service processors of multiple
The HiCommand Management Fr a m e w o rk and Hitachi Re s o u rce Manager System Management So f t w a re
Table 6 - Summary of
Hitachi Resource
Manager solutions and
the products they
Hitachi Resource
Manager software
package provides the
ultimate in reliable,
easy-to-use hardware
performance and
availability management
management ensures
data security, data
accessibility, and data
Hitachi Resource Manager
Remote Console – Storage Manager
Hitachi Graph-Track
SNMP Agent
Host Storage Domains
Hitachi LUN Manager / LUN Expansion
Hitachi SANtinel
Hitachi Virtual LUN / LUN Expansion
Hitachi VLVI Manager
Hitachi FlashAccess
Cache Management Host Agent
Product Support
O/S Support