Total Connect Online Help Guide
– 13 –
After access is granted, a tabbed screen appears allowing various categories of security system information to be viewed
or controlled. Select the tab to access the desired category.
The System tab displays a status summary on the top half, and the bottom half allows control of your security system
partitions (if applicable).
Zone Status
The Zone Status tab provides a view of all the zones in the system, or a selected partition. Zones can be bypassed or
made active again as desired. Simply select the zone and use the Bypass/Unbypass button as needed.
Additionally, you can add or edit the zone description. Note that if you edit an existing zone description, that description
will be what appears for remote access, it will not appear on the security system's local keypads.
Note: Each screen in Remote Access will have a
Connected Internet
or Connected Wireless status
message and a Close
button. Screens may also have
other self explanatory status messages.
For the purpose of this document these will not be
repeated in each screen shot to better focus on the
primary screen function.