Wireless Settings - MAC Control Setup
After you enable the MAC access limit function, then you can determine the
access mode.
In IEEE 802.11b-compliant devices, the MAC address is a means of controlling
network access. MAC addresses can be found in the package of the network
interface card (NIC). The following is an example of a MAC address:
v 00:30:AB:00:00:01
After you have entered the MAC address, click Apply to save your settings.
If you choose Disable MAC Address Limit, any user with the correct ESSID,
correct WEP settings, and within range of your access point can access your
Gateway. Enabling this mechanism provides protection to your Gateway and
Enable MAC Address Control: In this field, you can type the MAC address of
the wireless clients whose access you want to control.
3-4 IBM
High Rate Wireless LAN Gateway: User’s Guide