Identifying parts on the system board
The system board (sometimes called the planar or motherboard) is the main circuit
board in the computer. It provides basic computer functions and supports a variety
of devices that are IBM-installed or that you can install later.
The following illustration shows the locations of parts on the system board.
1 Fan connectors (2) 8 Promise of value (POV) daughter card
2 Memory connectors (2) 9 Diskette drive connector
3 SATA 1 IDE and SATA 2 IDE hard
disk drive connectors (2)
10 Front panel connector
4 PCI riser connector 11 Power connector
5 Battery 12 PATA Primary IDE connector (hard disk
drive and optical drive)
6 Clear CMOS/BIOS recovery
13 Power connector
7 Speaker connector 14 Microprocessor
15 CD audio connector
28 Hardware Maintenance Manual