IBM RS/6000 7025 Model F80 Server 11
Hot-Plug PCI Adapters
The function of hot-pluggable PCI adapters is to provide concurrent additions or
removals of PCI adapters when the system is running. This function is explained
in the following paragraphs.
In the chassis, the installed adapters inside the slots are protected by plastic
separators, designed to prevent grounding and damage when adding or removing
adapters. The hot-plug LEDs outside the chassis indicate if a adapter can be
plugged in or removed from the system. These LEDs are also visible inside the
chassis. Inside, the light from the LED is routed to the top of the plastic
separators, using light pipes, which makes it very easy to locate the right slot.
The hot-plug PCI adapters are secured with retainer clips on top of the slots;
therefore, you do not need a screwdriver to add or remove a card and there is no
screw to drop inside the chassis causing damage to the system.
The function of hot-plug is not only provided by the PCI slot, but also by the
function of the adapter. Most adapters are hot-pluggable, but some are not. Be
aware that some adapters must not be removed when the system is running, for
example, the adapter with the operating system disks connected to it, or the
adapter that provides the system console. Refer to the
PCI Adapter Placement
Reference Guide
, SA38-0538 for further information.
To manage hot-plug PCI adapters, it is important to turn off slot power before
adding, removing, or replacing the adapter, which is done by the operating
system. There are three possibilities for managing hot-plug PCI slots in AIX:
• Command line:
lsslot - List slots and their characteristics
drslot - Dynamically reconfigures slots
• WebSM
When working with the commands and tools mentioned above, the hot-plug LEDs
(see Figure 2) change their state. Table 1 shows the possible states of the
hot-plug LEDs.
Table 1. Hot-Plug LED Indications
To add a hot-plug PCI adapter use the drslot command to set the slot first into
the Identify state (LED flashes slowly) to verity the right slot was selected. After
pressing Enter, the LED changes its state to the Action state (LED flashes fast).
LED Indication PCI Slot Status Definition
Off Off Slot power is off. It is safe to remove or
replace adapters.
On (not flashing) On Slot power is on. Do not remove or replace
Flashing slowly (one
flash per second)
Identify Indicates the slot has been identified by the
software; do not remove or replace adapters
at this time.
Flashing fast (six to
eight flashes per
Action Indicates the slot is ready for adding,
removing, or replacing of adapters.