CANCEL, CICS de-registers from ARM before terminating, because if CICS
remained registered, an automatic restart would probably encounter the same error
For other error situations, CICS does not de-register, and automatic restarts follow.
To control the number of restarts, specify in your ARM policy the number of times
ARM is to restart a failed CICS region.
Failing to register
If ARM support is present but the register fails, CICS issues message DFHKE0401.
In this case, CICS does not know if it is being restarted by ARM, and therefore it
doesn’t know whether to override the START parameter to force an emergency
restart to preserve data integrity.
If START=COLD or START=INITIAL is specified as a system initialization
parameter and CICS fails to register, CICS also issues message DFHKE0408. When
CICS is restarting with START=COLD or START=INITIAL, CICS relies on ARM to
determine whether to override the start type and change it to AUTO. Because the
REGISTER has failed, CICS cannot determine whether the region is being restarted
by ARM, and so does not know whether to override the start type. Message
DFHKE0408 prompts the operator to reply ASIS or AUTO, to indicate the type of
start CICS is to perform:
v A reply of ASIS means that CICS is to perform the start specified on the START
v A reply of AUTO means that CICS is being restarted by ARM, and the type of
start is to be resolved by CICS. If the previous run terminated abnormally, CICS
will perform an emergency restart.
Note: A CICS restart can have been initiated by ARM, even though CICS
registration with ARM has failed in the restarted CICS.
ARM couple data sets
You must ensure that you define the couple data sets required for ARM and that
they are online and active before you start any CICS region for which you want
ARM support.
v CICS automatic ARM registration fails if the couple data sets are not active at
CICS startup. When CICS is notified by ARM that registration has failed for this
reason, CICS assumes this means that you do not want ARM support, and CICS
initialization continues.
v If ARM loses access to the couple data sets, the CICS registration is lost. In this
event, ARM cannot restart a CICS region that fails.
See z/OS MVS Setting Up a Sysplex for information about ARM couple data sets
and ARM policies.
CICS restart JCL and parameters
Each CICS restart can use the previous startup JCL and system initialization
parameters, or can use a new job and parameters.
You cannot specify XRF=YES if you want to use ARM support. If the XRF system
initialization parameter is changed to XRF=YES for a CICS region being restarted
by ARM, CICS issues message DFHKE0407 to the console, then terminates.
Chapter 7. Automatic restart management 69