Provide Training
v Post procedures that describe proper media handling in places where people
v Ensure that anyone who handles tape has been properly trained in handling and
shipping procedures. This includes operators, users, programmers, archival
services, and shipping personnel.
v Ensure that any service or contract personnel who perform archiving are properly
trained in media-handling procedures.
v Include media-handling procedures as part of any services contract.
v Define and make personnel aware of data recovery procedures.
Ensure Proper Packaging
v When you ship a cartridge, ship it in its original or better packaging.
v Always ship or store a cartridge in a jewel case.
v Use only a recommended shipping container that securely holds the cartridge in
its jewel case during transportation. Ultrium Turtlecases (by Perm-A-Store) have
been tested and found to be satisfactory (see Figure 13). They are available at
v Never ship a cartridge in a commercial shipping envelope. Always place it in a
box or package.
v If you ship the cartridge in a cardboard box or a box of a sturdy material, ensure
the following:
– Place the cartridge in polyethylene plastic wrap or bags to protect it from dust,
moisture, and other contaminants.
– Pack the cartridge snugly; do not allow it to move around.
– Double-box the cartridge (place it inside a box, then place that box inside the
shipping box) and add padding between the two boxes (see Figure 14 on
page 52).
Figure 13. Tape cartridges in a Turtlecase
Chapter 5. Using the Media 51