945GME Express Chipset—Theory of Operation
2 Duo processor with the Mobile Intel
945GME Express Chipset
Manual May 2007
32 Order Number: 317443-001US
R is the value of the sense resistor (typically 0.002 Ω)
V is the voltage measured across the sense resistor.
It is recommended that the user use an oscilloscope or high precision digital multi-
meter tool such as the Agilent* 34401A digital multi-meter. Such a meter has 6½ digits
of accuracy and can provide a much greater accuracy in power measurement than a
common 3½ digit multimeter.
Table 6 summarizes the voltage rails and power measurement sense resistors located
on the Intel
945GME Express Chipset platform. All sense resistors are 0.002 Ω unless
otherwise noted. Please note that many voltage rails do not have sense resistors.
Table 6. Intel
945GME Express Chipset Development Kit Voltage Rails (Sheet 1 of 3)
Voltage Groups Voltage Rail Sense Resistor
Powered during
System States
0.9V +V0.9 R4N4 S0,S3
1.05V Switched +V1.05S R4V4 S0
1.2V +V1.2_LAN R8A2 S0,S3
1.5V Always +V1.5A_AZ_IO S0,S3,S4,S5
+V1.5A_PWRGD S0,S3,S4,S5
1.5V Switched +V1.5S R5F4 S0
+V1.5S_3GPLL R6D8 S0
+V1.5S_AUX R6D6 S0
+V1.5S_HPLL S0
+V1.5S_MPLL S0
+V1.5S_PCIE R5E2 S0
+V1.5S_QTVDAC and
R5F3 S0
1.8V +V1.8 R5N2 S0,S3
2.5V +V2.5_LAN R7M2 S0,S3
+VLAN_2.5-3.3 S0,S3
2.5V Switched +V2.5S S0
3.3V +V3.3 S0,S3
3.3V Always +V3.3A S0,S3,S4,S5
+V3.3A/1.5A_AZ_IO S0,S3,S4,S5
+V3.3A_MBL S0,S3,S4,S5
+V3.3A_RTC S0,S3,S4,S5
3.3V Switched +V3.3S S0
+V3.3_PCISLT3 R9B3 S0
+V3.3S/1.5S_AZ_IO R8F8 S0
+V3.3S_DB800_VDDA S0