536EX Chipset Developer’s Manual 15
Intel Confidential
AT Command Summary Tables
L3 High speaker volume
* Mn Speaker control 1 0–3yes
M0 Speaker always off
M1 Speaker on until carrier present
M2 Speaker always on
Speaker off during dialing; speaker on until
carrier present
On Go online 0 0, 1, 3 no
O0 Returns modem to Data mode
Retrains equalizer and then returns to Data
Renegotiates rate and then returns to Data
* P Select pulse dialing none – yes
* Qn Result code display control 0 0, 1 yes
Q0 Enables result codes
Q1 Disables result codes
Sn Select an S-register none 0–33 no
Sn=x Write to an S-register none
n = 0–33
x = 0–255
Sn? Read from an S-register none 0–33 no
* T Select tone dialing none – no
* Vn Result code form 1 0, 1 yes
V0 Choose numeric form
V1 Choose verbose (text) form
* Wn Response code data rate 0 0–4yes
W0, W1 DTE data rate
W2 Modulation, DCE TX rate
Modulation, DCE TX rate, Error Correction,
Compression and DTE data rate
Modulation, DCE TX rate, Error Correction,
Table 5. Data Mode Command Summary (Continued)
Note Command Function Default Range
by &Vn
* Value saved in NVRAM.
** Command not preceded by an ‘AT.’