Documentation Changes
34 Intel
80303 and 80302 I/O Processors Specification Update
17. Section on page 13-30 has incorrect data
Problem: The first sentence incorrectly states, 'If enabled'. ECC is always enabled on the 80303 I/O
processor, it is not optional.
Workaround: Remove 'If enabled'.
Affected Docs: Intel
80303 I/O Processor Developer’s Manual
18. Figure 15-3 on page 15-7 has missing text
Problem: The figure shows 'se_Register + Value of Limit_Register'. It should be 'Base_Register + Value of
Workaround: Replace Figure 15-3 with the following:
Affected Docs: Intel
80303 I/O Processor Developer’s Manual
19. Section 15.7.39 on page 15-100 has incorrect data
Problem: The last paragraph is incorrect. It states, 'Note that bits 4:0, bits 12:11, bit 9 and bit 7 can result in
an NMI# interrupt driven to the i960 core processor.' Bit 12 is a reserved bit, so it should be
removed from this sentence.
Workaround: Change the last paragraph to the following: 'Note that bits 4:0, 11, 9 and 7 can result in an NMI#
interrupt driven to the i960 core processor.'
Affected Docs: Intel
80303 I/O Processor Developer’s Manual