Intel FSB533 Computer Hardware User Manual

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Enables you to set the host clock to work concurrently with the PCI bus or the AGP
bus. The default is AUTO.
AUTO: The system sets the item automatically.
AGP-FSB*2/3 PCI-FSB/3: The system sets the host clock to work with the PCI
and AGP bus.
By subtle tuning item: The system sets the host clock according to the
number produced by the subtle tuning item.
AGP/PCI subtle tuning
Enables you to set the AGP/PCI frequency, enables you to subtle tuning AGP clock
1MHz by step. The default is 66 MHz. Pressing Enter displays the following screen:
Key in the DEC (decimalism) number for the AGP/PCI subtle tuning.
In the following items, Default Voltage indicates the original factory value,
and New Voltage indicates the value that you assign.
CPU Vcore Voltage
This item allows you to set the CPU Vcore voltage. The default is -0.075V.
Options: -0.100V to +0.2875V in 0.0125V increments. We recommend that you leave
this at the default value.
AGP Voltage
This item allows you to set the AGP slot voltage. The default is +0.00V.
Options: +0.00V to +0.70V in 0.10V increments. We recommend that you leave this at
the default value.