Items and meanings:
Enable DMZ (1): Check this box to enable the DMZ function.
Uncheck this box to disable it.
Public IP You can select 'Dynamic IP' or 'Static IP' here.
address (2): If you select 'Dynamic IP', you have to select an
Internet connection session from the dropdown
menu; if you select 'Static IP', enter the IP address
that you want to map to a specific private IP
Client PC IP Enter the private IP address that the Internet IP
address (3): address will be mapped to. That is the computer you
want to bypass the Firewall and NATing.
Add (4): Click the 'Add' button to add the public IP address
and associated private IP address to the DMZ table.
Reset (5): Clears the input form values.
Current All existing public IP address/ private IP
DMZ table (6): address mappings are shown here.
Delete If you want to delete a specific DMZ entry, check
Selected (7): the 'select' box of the DMZ entry you want to delete,
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