Jameco Electronics 3000 Network Card User Manual

User’s Manual 19
reset pin, and to a programmable output pin that is used to signal the PC that attention is
needed. With proper precautions in design and software, it is possible to use Serial Port A
as both a programming port and as a user-defined serial port, although this will not be nec-
essary in most cases.
Rabbit Semiconductor supports the use of the standard programming port and the standard
programming cable as a diagnostic and setup port to diagnosis problems or set up systems
in the field.
2.3.2 Standard BIOS
Rabbit Semiconductor provides a standard BIOS for the Rabbit. The BIOS is a software
program that manages startup and shutdown, and provides basic services for software run-
ning on the Rabbit.
2.4 Dynamic C Support for the Rabbit
Dynamic C is Z-World’s interactive C language development system. Dynamic C runs on
a PC under Windows 32-bit operating systems. Dynamic C provides a combined compiler,
editor, and debugger. The usual method for debugging a target system based on the Rabbit
is to implement the 10-pin programming connector that connects to the PC serial port via a
standard converter cable. Dynamic C libraries contain highly perfected software to control
the Rabbit. These includes drivers, utility and math routines and the debugging BIOS for
Dynamic C.
In addition, the internationally known real-time operating system, uC/OS-II, has been
ported to the Rabbit, and is available with Dynamic C on a license-free, royalty-free basis
for use in Rabbit-based products..