Jameco Electronics 3000 Network Card User Manual

34 Rabbit 3000 Microprocessor
3.3.3 Load or Store Data Using an Index Register
An index register is a 16-bit register, usually IX, IY, SP or HL, that is used for the address
of a byte or word to be fetched from or stored to memory. Sometimes an 8-bit offset is
added to the address either as a signed or unsigned number. The 8-bit offset is a byte in the
instruction word. BC and DE can serve as index registers only for the special cases below.
LD A’,(BC)
LD A’,(DE)
Other 8-bit loads and stores are the following.
LD r,(HL) ; r is any of 7 registers A, B, C, D, E, H, L
LD r’,(HL) ; same but alternate register destination
LD (HL),r ; r is any of the 7 registers above
;or an immediate data byte
** LD (HL),r’ ;**** not a legal instruction!
LD r,(IX+d) ; r is any of 7 registers, d is -128 to +127 offset
LD r’,(IX+d) ; same but alternate destination
LD (IX+d),r ; r is any of 7 registers or an immediate data byte
LD (IY+d),r ; IX or IY can have offset d
The following are 16-bit indexed loads and stores. None of these instructions exists on the
Z180 or Z80. The only source for a store is HL. The only destination for a load is HL or HL'.
LD HL,(SP+d) ; d is an offset from 0 to 255.
; 16-bits are fetched to HL or HL’
LD (SP+d),HL ; corresponding store
LD HL,(HL+d) ; d is an offset from -128 to +127,
; uses original HL value for addressing
; l=(HL+d), h=(HL+d+1)
LD HL’,(HL+d)
LD (HL+d),HL
LD (IX+d),HL ; store HL at address pointed to
; by IX plus -128 to +127 offset
LD HL,(IX+d)
LD HL’,(IX+d)
LD (IY+d),HL ; store HL at address pointed to
; by IY plus -128 to +127 offset
LD HL,(IY+d)
LD HL’,(IY+d)