Lancom Systems 7111 VPN Network Router User Manual

̈ Chapter 2: Installation
In Setup select Install LANCOM Software. The following selection menus
will appear on the screen:
2.5.2 Which software should you install?
̈ LANconfig is the configuration program for all LANCOM routers and
Wireless LAN access points. WEBconfig can be used alternatively or in
addition via a web browser.
̈ LANmonitor lets you monitor on a Windows PC all LANCOM routers and
Wireless LAN access points.
̈ LANCAPI is a special form of the CAPI-2.0 interface that all workstations
of the LAN need to get access to office communication functions as fax or
EuroFile transfer. With LANCAPI Dial-Up Networking Support, single
workstations can realize dial-up connections to an Internet provider via
LANCAPI. The CAPI fax modem makes you available a first class fax
̈ The LANCOM VPN Client enables a setting of VPN connections from a
remote workstation via Internet to a router with LANCOM VPN Option.
̈ With LANCOM Online Documentation, you can copy the documenta-
tion files on your PC.
Select the appropriate software options and confirm your choice with Next.
The software is automatically installed.