Lancom Systems 7111 VPN Network Router User Manual

̈ Chapter 6: Providing dial- up access
6.1.1 General information
The following entries are required to set up a RAS connection. The first column
indicates whether the information is required for a VPN and/or an ISDN con-
nection. .
Notes to the individual values:
̈ User name and password: Users authenticate themselves with this
information when dialling in.
̈ Incoming number: The LANCOM router uses the optional ISDN caller ID
as an additional user authentication. This security function should not be
used when users dial in from differing locations.
Please refer to chapter ’Linking two networks’ page 42 for advice
about the other values required for the installation of a RAS access.
Coupling Entry
VPN + ISDN User name
VPN + ISDN Password
VPN Shared secret for encryption
VPN Hide local stations for access to remote network (Extranet VPN)?
ISDN Incoming number of remote station
ISDN TCP/IP routing for access to remote network
ISDN IPX routing for access to remote network
VPN + ISDN IP addresses for the dial-up PCs: static or dynamic by address range (IP
address pool)
VPN + ISDN NetBIOS routing for access to remote network?
VPN + ISDN Name of remote workgroup (NetBIOS only)
The ISDN calling line identity (CLI)
The ISDN caller IDalso known as CLI (Calling Line Identity)this is the telephone number
of the caller which is transmitted to the participant receiving the call. As a rule, it consists of
the country and area codes and an MSN.
The CLI is well-suited for authentication purposes for two reasons: it is very difficult to manip-
ulate, and the number is transferred free of charge via the ISDN control channel (D-channel).