Lancom Systems 7111 VPN Network Router User Manual

̈ Chapter 3: Basic configuration
3 Basic configuration
The basic configuration can be performed on a step-by-step basis using a
convenient setup wizard to guide you through the setup process and prompt
you for the required information.
First, this chapter will inform you which information is required for the basic
configuration. Use this section to assemble the information you will need
before launching the wizard.
Next, enter the data in the setup wizard. Launching the wizard and the proc-
ess itself are described step by step - with separate sections for LANconfig and
WEBconfig. Thanks to the information that you have collected in advance, the
basic configuration is quick and effortless.
At the end of this chapter we will show you the settings that are needed for
the LAN's workstations to ensure trouble-free access to the router (’TCP/IP
settings to workstation PCs’ page 37).
3.1 Which information is necessary?
The basic configuration wizard will take care of the basic TCP/IP configuration
of the router, protect the device with a configuration password, and will set
up the ISDN connection if required. The following descriptions of the informa-
tion required by the wizard are grouped in these three configuration sections:
̈ TCP/IP settings
̈ protection of the configuration
̈ information on DSL connection
̈ information on ISDN connection
̈ configuring connect charge protection
3.1.1 TCP/IP settings
The TCP/IP configuration can be realized in two ways: either as a fully auto-
matic configuration or manually. No user input is required for the fully auto-
matic TCP/IP configuration. All parameters are set automatically by the setup
wizard. During manual TCP/IP configuration, the wizard will prompt you for
the usual TCP/IP parameters: IP address, netmask etc. (more on these topics
Fully automatic TCP/IP configuration is only possible in certain network envi-
ronments. The setup wizard therefore analyses the connected LAN to deter-
mine whether it supports fully automatic configuration.