Lancom Systems 7111 VPN Network Router User Manual

̈ Contents
5 Linking two networks 42
5.1 What information is necessary? 43
5.1.1 General information 43
5.1.2 Settings for the TCP/IP router 45
5.1.3 Settings for the IPX router 46
5.1.4 Settings for NetBIOS routing 47
5.2 Instructions for LANconfig 48
5.3 Instructions for WEBconfig 48
6 Providing dial-up access 50
6.1 Which information is required? 50
6.1.1 General information 51
6.1.2 Settings for TCP/IP 52
6.1.3 Settings for IPX 52
6.1.4 Settings for NetBIOS routing 53
6.2 Settings for the dial-in computer 54
6.2.1 Dial-up via VPN 54
6.2.2 Dial-up via ISDN 54
6.3 Instructions for LANconfig 55
6.4 Instructions for WEBconfig 55
7 Sending faxes with LANCAPI 57
7.1 Installation of the LANCOM CAPI fax modem 58
7.2 Installation of the MS Windows fax service 59
7.3 Sending a fax 60
7.3.1 Send a fax with any given office application 60
7.3.2 Send a fax with the MS Windows fax service 60
8 Security settings 62
8.1 The security settings wizard 62
8.1.1 Wizard for LANconfig 62
8.1.2 Wizard for WEBconfig 63
8.2 The firewall wizard 63
8.2.1 Wizard for LANconfig 63
8.2.2 Configuration under WEBconfig 64
8.3 The security checklist 64