Lancom Systems 7111 VPN Network Router User Manual

̈ Chapter 6: Providing dial-up access
6.2 Settings for the dial-in computer
6.2.1 Dial-up via VPN
For dialing into a network via VPN a workstation requires:
̈ an Internet access
̈ a VPN client
LANCOM Systems offers the LANCOM VPN Client on the LANCOM CD. It can
be run under Windows 2000 and Windows XP. A detailed description of the
LANCOM VPN Client and a description of its installation can also be found on
the CD.
For configuring a new profile, select the option 'Configure VPN Remote Access
(IPSec over PPTP)' in the LANCOM VPN Client configuration wizard.
The wizard asks then for the values that have been defined during the instal-
lation of the RAS access in the LANCOM router.
6.2.2 Dial-up via ISDN
A number of settings must be configured on the dial-in computer. These are
briefly listed here, based on a Windows computer:
̈ Dial-Up Networking (or another PPP client) must be correctly configured
̈ Network protocol (TCP/IP, IPX) installed and bound to the dial-up adapter
̈ New connection in Dial-Up Networking with the call number of the router
̈ Terminal adapter or ISDN card set to PPPHDLC
̈ PPP selected as the Dial-Up server type, 'Enable software compression'
and 'Require data encryption' unchecked