Liebert STS2 Touch Screen Display
13.3 Mimic Display
The Mimic display provides a color diagram of the operation of the Liebert STS2. This display
imitates the power flow through the static transfer switch and indicates source status, breaker status,
switch status, source voltage and current readings, output power measurements, and active alarm
messages. See Figure 48 on page 85.
13.4 Event Controls
The Liebert STS2 detects events when certain thresholds are passed or certain problems occur. The
alarm controls allow you to acknowledge the existence of these events.
• RESET — All latched events whose conditions have cleared are removed from the Event Display.
Faults and alarms that remain active, or are not recoverable, are not affected when this button is
selected. This button is also used to perform manual I-Peak resets and manual retransfers.
• SILENCE — turns off the audible alarm (horn or beeper) without resetting the triggering event.
This setting does not permanently turn off the horn. The alarm sounds again when the next event
with an audible alarm setting is triggered.
Active events are shown in the Event Display, whereas cleared events can be reviewed via the Event
13.5 Event Display
The Event Display lists the condition of the Liebert STS2 in real-time. Both nominal system
parameters and alarm messages are displayed in the Event Display. You can touch any message in
the Event Display to display more information in the Display Panel to the left. The selected status is
displayed in bold type.
13.6 Menu Bar
As previously mentioned, the menu bar provides both configuration choices and information. The
choices under the Config and Log menus access additional dialog boxes, while the other menu choices
only show information in the display panel.
13.7 Configuration Menu
When you select the CONFIG (Configuration) menu choice, a pop-up menu is
displayed with four choices.
• System Ratings — used to configure frequency, voltage and currents settings for
the Liebert STS2.
• Event Mask — allows you to configure system’s response for events.
• User Settings — allows you to configure operations for the Liebert STS2.
• System Settings — accesses another pop-up menu to configure communication
and system choices and the system ID.
Each of these choices accesses a separate dialog box.
13.7.1 System Ratings
The System Ratings menu is used to set the nominal line frequency, nominal voltage and nominal
current at which the system operates when it is installed. These settings are configured when the
system is initialized at the factory or under maintenance and should not be changed by the user.
13.7.2 Event Masks
The Liebert STS2 gathers, processes and reports faults and alarms, collectively referred to below as
events. The Event Mask dialog box allows you to set the system’s response for specific alarms and
faults that are generated. See 11.0 - Alarm and Faults for more information on events and 11.1 -
Event Mask for the definitions of the Event Mask types.