The manual is organized so that information can be found quickly. Each major topic is separated by sections, and
the Table of Contents contains major headings within each section. The names of the sections and their contents
are described below.
1.0 - Introduction is a summary of the Series 600T UPS System. It describes some of the unique features and
benefits of the Series 600T, as well as the design principles and standards that Liebert follows in the manufacture
of each system. Descriptions of the Series 600T system and an overview of its functions are also included.
2.0 - Theory of Operation is an explanation of the major circuit groups of the Series 600T UPS. This section is
for individuals who want to know both the basics and the specifics of each major component. The text explains
how the UPS handles electrical disturbances and interruptions.
3.0 - Operation is written for facility personnel responsible for the operation of the system. It details the proce-
dures required to start-up each module and the system, to transfer the load between the available sources, and to
shut down each module and the system. Both manual and automatic operations are described. Operator controls
and displays, including the solid state liquid crystal display (LCD) screen, are illustrated and explained for the
UPS Module and for the System Control Cabinet (SCC).
4.0 - Maintenance lists routine maintenance checks and helps the user pinpoint and quickly resolve problems if
they arise.
5.0 - Specifications and Ratings gives detailed specifications about the Series 600T UPS System. This technical
information is of use to installing contractors, engineers, and service personnel.
If you require assistance for any reason, call the toll-free Liebert Global Services number: 1-800-543-2378. For
LGS to assist you expediently, please have the following information available:
Part Numbers:
Serial Numbers:
kVA Rating:
Date Purchased:
Date Installed:
Input Voltage:
Output Voltage:
Battery Reserve Time: